CAMASTRO INDIVIDUAL PARANT -en Posted in Sin categoría SUNBED PARANT Collection Parant - LI50902 Design: Johanna Jacobson Backman DESCRIPTION:Sunbed Parant, aluminum structure with electrostatic coating and cushion fabric for outdoor. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY
SILLA CON BRAZO SERENA -en Posted in Sin categoría ARMCHAIR SERENA Collection Serena - CA51601 Design: Outlier DESCRIPTION:Armchair Serena, bamboo wood structure with woven in polyester rope. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY
CAMASTRO INDIVIDUAL ÍTACA -en Posted in Sin categoría INDIVIDUAL LOUNGER ÍTACA Collection Ítaca - LI50202 Design: Outlier DESCRIPTION:Individual longer Ítaca, aluminum structure with electrostatic coating and woven in pvc fabric. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY
MESA LATERAL ÍTACA -en Posted in Sin categoría SIDE TABLE ÍTACA Collection Ítaca - TS50201 Design: Outlier DESCRIPTION:Side table Ítaca, aluminum structure with electrostatic coating and HPL cover. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY
SILLÓN SERENA -en Posted in Sin categoría LOUNGE CHAIR SERENA Collection Serena - CL51601 Design: Outlier DESCRIPTION:Lounge chair Serena, bamboo wood structure and woven in polyester rope. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY
CAMASTRO INDIVIDUAL COSTAS -en Posted in Sin categoría INDIVIDUAL LOUNGER COSTAS Collection Costas - LI50102 Design: Outlier DESCRIPTION:Individual longer Costas, aluminum structure with electrostatic coating and woven in padded pvc fabric. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY
CHAISE INDIVIDUAL HOLBOX -en Posted in Sin categoría CHAISE LOUNGE HOLBOX Collection Holbox - LH50601 Design: Jorge Diego Etienne DESCRIPTION:Chaise lounge Holbox, aluminum structure with electrostatic coating and bamboo, woven in polyester rope. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY
CHAISE INDIVIDUAL PROFUNDO HOLBOX -en Posted in Sin categoría CHAISE LOUNGE DEEP HOLBOX Collection Holbox - LH50602 Design: Jorge Diego Etienne DESCRIPTION:Chaise lounge deep Holbox, aluminum structure with electrostatic coating and bamboo, woven in polyester rope. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY
REPOSAPIÉS HOLBOX -en Posted in Sin categoría OTTOMAN HOLBOX Collection Holbox - MN50601 Design: Jorge Diego Etienne DESCRIPTION:Ottoman Holbox, aluminum structure with electrostatic coating and bamboo, woven in polyester rope. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY
SOFÁ TRES PLAZAS MAKU -en Posted in Sin categoría THREE SEATER SOFA MAKU Collection Maku - ST50801 Design: Rodrigo Torres DESCRIPTION:Three-seaters sofa Maku, aluminum structure with electrostatic coating, weaving in polyester rope and round synthetic fiber. TECHNICAL SHEET 3D FILES Sign up to download the 3D images. Already have an account? Log in here. Name * Last Name * Company * Country * Web Username * User Email * User Password * Submit FAMILY